about ashley cuthbertson

Ashley Cuthbertson, M.Ed, NBCT (she/her) is a General Music and Chorus Specialist Teacher serving in Northern Virginia. Additionally, she serves as an Adjunct Faculty member at the American Kodály Institute of Loyola University Maryland where she currently teaches graduate courses in Kodály Pedagogy. A Nationally Board Certified Teacher, Ashley holds a Kodály Certificate from the American Kodály Institute and the Certificate of Study in Arts Integration from the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) program. Ashley is an active member of the Virginia Music Educators Association where she serves as Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council; the Organization of American Kodály Educators where she serves as Eastern Division President-Elect and as co-chair of the OAKE Equity Committee; and the Virginia Organization of Kodály Educators where she serves on the board as President. Ashley is a passionate educator and lifelong learner dedicated to ensuring that all students have access to high quality, meaningful, and joyful music instruction.

free webinar

Introduction to Culturally Responsive Music Instruction

Culturally Responsive Music Instruction centers the backgrounds, learning styles, and funds of knowledge of our learners. In this webinar, we will discuss how music educators can move towards culturally responsive music instruction to ensure that the learning environment and instruction is affirming, relevant, meaningful, and authentic for all of our students. We will examine the foundations of culturally responsive teaching and explore practical applications in music curricula in regards to teacher mindset, learning environment, musical content & repertoire, and instructional planning.

Visit www.AshleyCuthbertson.com/PD for more info and future webinars!

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